On 22nd of June, Oscar Casares was awarded by the Académie Française ARTS-SCIENCES-LETTRES in Paris at a great ceremony held at the Salons Opéra, Revel and Verriàre.
The Académie Française ARTS-SCIENCES-LETTRES in Paris, under the high patronage of the President of the Republic and the Ministry of Culture, was founded on November 12, 1915 (law of July 1, 1901) by René FLAMENT - Member of the Société des Gens de Lettres - Sponsored by the highest personalities of Arts, Sciences and Letters.
The objective of the ARTS-SCIENCES-LETTRES Academic Society is to recognize and promote women and men who, through their talent and work, contribute to the promotion of culture in the artistic, literary and scientific fields.
As Bracarense and Portuguese artista Casares see his recognized path and his admired work across borders and, more concretely, in France. This distinction is attributed "to the high personalities of the whole world, for the relevant services rendered to the Arts, Sciences, Letters and Culture".
His Excellency The President of the Portuguese Republic was kind enough to address "Congratulations on the important distinction assigned to you by the Académie Française ARTS-SCIENCES-LETTRES."
It was also with great joy that Oscar Casares received the message of Their Majesties The Kings of Spain, where they send a cordial greeting and congratulate me for the ARTS-SCIENCES-LETTRES decoration.
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