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Acabo de descobrir a sua arte pictórica e de a reproduzir na minha página do FB, para que todos saibam os artistas que temos. Parabéns. - Jorge Máximo Heitor/Portugal
Your work follows your recognition...a real honor...the best for you... Anthony - Steling/MA
Hey Oscar. Today I have seen your paintings and they are incredibly nice. This is above my level. Have read about you on Google. Would be nice to see na exibition in live but this is a dream, I wish you luck on. Best regards BEO - Norway
You are truly man of art!!! So many different arts in one man!!! Amazing works! Wish you all best... - Delics/Serbia
I saw your gallery and I am speechless. Totally beautiful. What a great great great great talent. Congratulations!!!!! Greetings - Carlos G. Iriarte - Mexico
Hello Oscar, I speak no Portugese I am sorry. I enjoy looking at your paintings they are very spectacular and I would imagine in person they appear very grand. I have only been painting 3 months and having to learn myself. - Ebbo/United Kingdom
Wow! To receive a compliment from an accomplished artist such as you is big! Thank you!
I have also always been fascinated by fashion, so I envy you to have access to such beautiful subjects. It is nice that you were able to make it your career. More power to you! - M. Prochazka - Northridge, CAYour talent and accomplishments are amazing and an inspiration! - Glorie GIaccarino/Davenport, IA
Your work in AMAZING. I went to school in London in hopes of becoming a fashion designer and had to come back to america after 4 months but the dresses in your pictures reminds me soo much of my designs!! I would love to keep in touch with you if you would be interested! - Bethany/Tulsa, OK
É um artista que muito admiro, e do qual tenho seguido com interesse e entusiasmo a carreira. O seu aparecimento no contexto artistico português, quanto a mim ,veio trazer um novo fulgor e dar novo impulso ao panorama que atè então se apresentava. Despeço-me sem mais demoras, aproveitando somente para lhe dar os parabens pela frescura do seu trabalho - Barros Pereira/France
Hola! are you a fashion designer other than being a super good painter? - Sara/Canby, OR
I love allllllllllllllllllllllllllllll your works they are very very very very.............. beautiful. Are you from this plane!?Or are you reincarnation on the cllasical painting!!! Best wishes&best hugs from me!!!! - Hristijan Najceski/Macedonia
My dear dear friend Oscar,you make me so happy today! I am on 7et heaven!!! 1000 roses for you from me!All my love is with you! Thanks,thanks,thanks....Warm hugs&kisses
A lot of love! - Ankica/Macedonia
And it is a pleasure to meet you, sir. I enjoyed many of your artworks and gowns. You are very talented in all that you do - Less/Phoenix, AZ
Dear Oscar, it’s an honour to be a friend of grest artist like you -Narendra Kumar/India
Nao sei se te lembras de mim,sou o Ricardo de Viana do Castelo , sempre acreditei que eras un genio em arte e que ías longe e acredito que vais mais longe. Parabéns Oscar tenho orgulho em ter te conhecido. Um abraço - Ricardo Gomes/Portugal
Olá Oscar, Já não te deves lembrar de mim, mas só tenho uma coisa para te dizer. PARABÉNS, fico contente por seres hoje o que és, lutaste e conseguiste como me tinhas dito alguns bons anos atrás nunca desistir. um abraço - Flávio Calheiros/Portugal
Caríssimo e estimado Óscar Casares, Embora não tenha há bastante tempo o privilégio de privar com a sua amável pessoa, tenho vindo através do seu "site" a acompanhar o processo evolutivo do seu trabalho, especialmente para o enorme desafio da bienal de Florença. Tendo tido o enorme privilégio de ter admirado algumas das suas obras guiado pela sua pessoa que dessa forma contribuiu para que eu melhor as entendesse, tenho a profunda certeza que pode ser um dos melhores classificados nesta bienal, senão mesmo o melhor! O seu potencial em todas as suas obras, e no meu leigo ver das suas magníficas obras de arte sacra e dos seus retratos, que são de uma perfeição eximea, levam-me a crer que pode ser um potencial vencedor da referia bienal em Dezembro deste ano. Mas lembre-se, mesmo que não seja um dos melhor classificados, o que eu muito sinceramente duvido, só o facto de participar já lhe vale muito, pois embora muitos o queiram, poucos conseguem ter a honra de estar num evento como esse!
Sem mais de momento, me despeço-me com um afectuoso abraço.
Atentamente, o sempre amigo - Ricardo Xavier/Portugal
Caríssimo Oscar, Sou brasileiro , artista plástico e grande admirador de seu trabalho. Parabéns! - MARCO VEIGA /Brasil
Hi, I looked up your website from Artbreak, your works are filled with light and life, they remind me of Michelangelo. - Alicia Ramquar / Trinidad and Tobago
As suas são todas excelentes!! Para mim é o melhor pintor da actualidade! Nunca tive a oportunidade de ver uma obra sua ao vivo, mas espero de um dia o poder fazer!!! Parabéns!!! - Pedro Prata / Portugal
Thanks,thanks,thanks a lot my dear friend ,Oskar! I am so happy!You are master for me! Your artworks are like Moon, like bright from God! - Ankica Stojanoska / Macedonia
Não conhecia o teu trabalho, como haverão outros ilustres desconhecidos por aì. Congratulo-me com o teu sucesso e dou-te os parabens por não seguires modas. Costuma dizer-se que quem tem unhas é que toca guitarra e quero ver desafio até os nossos "ilustres" pintores portugueses bem cotados nas lides artisticas a experimentarem a técnica que utilizas. Coitados, só a sorte os favorece. Também tive uma experiência ao nivel da exclusividade como tiveste foi na Galeria Mário Sequeira e dei-me mal. Um abraço do Quintas e mais uma vez os meus sinceros parabens pela qualidade do teu trabalho - António Quintas / Portugal
Hi Oscar, I was looking aat your work and am really impressed with your marvellous work. I am also very delighted to have you as my friend and hope we will keep in touch. Taake care - Kirti / United Kingdom
Sr. Óscar Os seus quadros transmitem-me através das suas pinturas ,uma paz interior e uma luminusidade extra terrena. Gostaria de saber as datas e onde se irão realizar exposições dos seus quadros para os poder apreciar ,e "beber "dessa paz e luz que emitem. Parabéns - Helena Semblano / Portugal
Caro Sr Oscar Casares Foi com natural admiração que, ontem, pela primeira vez, vi um quadro pintado por si num programa de televisão. Eu como gosto imenso de arte, de toda a arte, mas quando a considero, de facto, arte, venho felicitá-lo e desejar-lhe uma longa vida para que inunde este nosso país com o seu virtuosismo. Desejo também que os nossos responsáveis politicos e a sociedade em geral possa ter a imaginação de promover a qualidade do trabalho que executa e permita que o seu trabalho seja mais divulgado do que tem sido. Com os meus parabéns e desejos das maiores felicidades. - Edmundo F. Marques da Silva / Portugal
It is my honor! You are truly blessed to have such talent... BEAUTIFUL works of art. peace. - Annie /Cypress, TX
I Love your work all I can say is (WOW) you are truely an inspiring artist! - PAL Enczycki / Jupiter, FL
Olá, Óscar!!!! Há muito tempo que vou procurando ter notícias tuas. Voltei de Lisboa e depois de algumas tentativas na net terem sido infrutíferas, passou bastante tempo e hoje voltei a tentar. Que alegria tive em ver a tua vida de trabalho, de criações cada vez mais lindas! Boa sorte, querido Óscar! Continuo a torcer por você! Um grande beijo meu e de minha mãe!!!!! - Isis Alonso / Portugal
Caro Amigo gostei muito da sua página,tem muita Magia os seus quadros.Bem haja. - Karter Mendes /Portugal
I’ve discovered your amazing works... such a high level of classy, elegant and magnificent beauty! - Lise Soulard / Canada
Your work is brilliant! An inspiration to us all! - Spook / Canada
Hello Oscar, I’m impressed by your talent...enjoy art! - Filip / Belgium
I am honored... todo un artista en muchas facetas...Saludos desde España. - Vivian Monfort / Spain
Your work is amazing, all the paintings are so beautifully done. i only wish i could paint this..hopefully one day i’ll get close. but keep up ur work, its brilliant!!! - Jamesy / London, United Kingdom
I realy enjoyed looing at your work, very original and absorbing. I wish you success for the future, - Kenny / France
Fabulous work...beautifully executed...such skill...Bravo!! - Zacharia / United Kingdom
My God you are great artist. Your works are imazing. - Ladan Ghajar / Naperville, IL
Meu amigo oscar, i enjoyed seeing your art. so beautiful, and you are a lovely person too. muito obrigada! - Tabitha / Australia
You are an awesome master! - Lena Owens / Littleton, CO
Touched by Divine planes, your work is beautiful and inspiring. - Yaprak Cika / Turkey
Prezado e Exmo. Senhor Oscar Casares,
É com muito gosto que tenho vindo a visitar o seu sitio de internet e consequentemente a apreciar a sua obra. Portanto só agora me é possível dizer-lhe o quão admiro a mesma de V. Exa, e afirmo que depois de ter lido a sua biografia me identifico bastante consigo pois aprendi piano durante muitos anos e sei o quanto é difícil lutar pelo que gostamos e progredir no mundo das artes em Portugal.
Parabéns uma vez mais pela sua pintura principalmente pelos retratos que acho fantásticos e de uma perfeição inigualáveis. Acredito piamente que para chegar ao seu nível de conhecimento é preciso muito estudo e persistência. Nunca desista de ser quem é, fazendo por ser cada vez melhor! :-) - Ricardo Xavier / PortugalOscarCasare, I am not sure if I have fallen into heaven, pinch me but I may not wake from your spell. You bring tears to my eyes your work is so magnificent,
Gulp I would be honored to hold the light in my hand and have it burn to be your friend. Do you need someone to make you refreshments while you paint the ceiling? - Rebecca / United Kingdom
You have God given talents. Your artworks knocked me down. It was a shock for me there was such a guy like you in this world. You are legend.
your website ıs great,really ,oscar..:)
hı :) and also,your works are really unique,and succesful.. congrats,and also thats my website,for more work.. http://senolsak.tr.gg/ best..:) Senol - Turkey
Ola,oscar e todos os meus cumprimentos para vossos quadros,estou muito contente de encontrar artistas portugueses porque para mim aqui em portugal é dificil
ps:o meu portugues não é excelente,então desculpe para as faltas - Jpartdeco
I am amazed by your work.....such perfection and detail. Very heartfelt, emotional paintings in a style all your own. - Outragous / New Market, AL
Great work, sinceramente excelente tus trabajos , encantado ser tu amigo...! Un abrazo - Claudio Barrios / Chile
Hi Oscar, thanks for the add. I am impressed by your craftsmanship. grtz - Christophe / Belgium
Hello Oscar...! Your work is very impressive - I admire the way your subjects look so happy. - John Lincoln / United Kingdom
Oscar, You are a gifted artist. Congratulations - Enrique Lemus / San Diego, CA
Hello Oscar, Amazing work you’ve got here. It’s so monumental, majestic and ... well, staggering, really! What an enormous gift you have - Francis Xavier Scappaticci / Spain
Hi Oscar, I’m truly honored to have you as my art friiend. You do exquisite detail work, and you have a great feel for your subjects. Very Best regards - Selarom Studios / Port Angeles, WA
Hey Oscar! This work is wonderful! I love it! you are a star! Love Julie-rose / United Kingdom
I love your work i hope to get as good one day - Billie Jean / Havelock, NC
Hello Oscar, I’m traveling to Portugal this summer. I would like to now if you have an open gallery with your work. I really enjoyed it and would love to see it live. - Tania / Monroe Township, NJ
Oscar, you are truly an amazing artist with universal potential!! - Billie / Platte City, MO
Your road seem to be protected by the light you put on yours creations! Touch the sky like the great masters and go on to be proud of it! You can! Take care of you, little angel of colours! Good inspiration! - Sylvie Adjabroux / France
Jus wanted to say your work is breath taking i only wish one day my work could look half as good as yours. - Justina / United Kingdom
Your ArtWorks just GREAT, but you know it without my words... Cause, I only can Thanks you for give to our World your ART.... - Irmina / Waverly, NY
I just wanted to let you know how amazing your work is. Truly your painting skills are phenomenal! I hope to be just as great someday! - Brittany Adkison (BBC and EMMY Awards)/ Sarasota, FL
Dear Oscar, I am a free spirit, willingly able to share my anointed wisdom gift VULVALI HEARING ART with U and let me start by saying I am here, right now, serving GOD GODDESS in all living being and I am sure U are one of the angels, chosen, to Be part of this never ending quest.
And your work is astonishing beautiful and I am grateful to GOD forth introducing me to HER Unconditional LOVE. - Paula Rosa Milton /NetherlandsMet you on artbreak site. i am goldylonglocks great works indeed what a lovely website too. a privilege to be able to see your art - Mandy / United Kingdom
I just wanted to say that I find your work absolutely beautiful.....i love your style.....you have a true gift....I’d be more than happty if you’d like to use me...or my image....{since you are on the other side of the world!} for any future artworks.... - Dee x /Australia
Glad to meet you Oscar. You have an exceptional collection, and talent which is masterful and blessed. I haven’t seen any modern artists tackle the religious art the way you have, and added life and flavour to a usually mundane subject as religion. Bravo! - Solomon /Canada
Oh my...... youre art trully has inspired me! Warms regards - Shaida /United Kingdom
Hello! You are truly in another league. It is so good to see that your work is attracting recognition by many artists on this site. Maybe we all still like to see some traditional values interpreted in a modern way - wonderful ! - David Brightmore / Wales
I´m sooooo inpressed by the beautiful things you are making! Fantastic art and fantastic dresses! - Helena / Sweden
Beautiful work...you’re a true talent. If I may, I’d like to offer my most sincere condolences for the loss of your true Friend, Monsignor Eduardo Melo. He will live on in your heart and memories. - Italy
I can just imagine you painting a work like Raphael’s Stanza della Segnatura. I remember how it made me feel standing before it in the Vatican. I was in awe and I was in love..the noise, the pushing, the crowds of people, nothing mattered as long as I could stay and look at it for as long as possible. I found Raphael’s gaze and through his eyes I travelled back through time and space to the soul of the painting where they lived and breathed for all eternity. I realised then that love and art live forever.
And now you are creating a new masterpiece..just think Oscar, someone will stand before your work in 10 years, 50 years and for lifetimes to come and through eyes painted by your hand they will keep falling in love with the soul of your painting..
I feel blessed to know it is being born...kisses - Tracy Wright / SpainAm honoured to see you so many great works. Want to be your friend and exchange with you - Chenyupei /China
I am intrigued by your work as well. The Catholic Church has expanded the canon of official style very wisely. You capture many dimensions of the spiritual mysteries that most believers do not expect to see with their eyes. Yet your interpretations are wholely credible. This is a language which transcends words. - Clarke Riedy / Phoenix, AZ
Your artworks are really unbelieveble. You have a gift. All my compliments! - Marzia Giacobbe / Italy
You have an amazing collection! beautiful and inspiring, bravo! - Johnny Gutierrez / Draper, UT
A true master of my time.....how i stumbled across such talent has left me speechless...if only we as artists could rule the world...it would be a more colourful safe place to live in. - Mandy Thomas / United Kingdom
That was surprising. you are a great artist, whose works are so great i dont think i deserve to judge. i wonder what interested you in my so amateur works!!!!! -Farzad Soleimany / Iran
Such inspiring and versatile work, great talent! - Lootz /United Kingdom
Great works ! It’s not so easy to find someone nowadays who values the construction and craft as highly. I only wish I could see these works in person - Yuri / Brooklyn, NY
Your profile is very interesting and I like your style very much! - Claudia Hansen / Germany
Today i was watching your works and reading the articles in your site, and i was thinking that it’s amazing how, in any moment, i can meet an international recogniced artist, it’s incredible the internet can do. And obviously, i admire your work. - Walter / Argentina
Non ho parole sei Maestro. - Artstafa - Greece
Es un placer contemplar tu trabajo,uno puede estar mucho rato revisando detalles , colores, suavidad en las telas, en las pinceladas, realmente me gusta mucho, felicidades, eres un gran artista... - Jessica Briones / Chile
Art has now taken up its original funtion, examplify God’s glory! - Cyclohexan / New York, NY
Gracias por la opurtunidad de conocer tu trabajo y a ti. Me gusta tu trabajo y espero poder aprender mucho de tu arte. Cuidate mucho - Josué / Mexico
Your works are very sophisticated. i love fado[amalia was a beutifull singer].through my friend alcedes and his family i have met many people from your country and have enjoyed their hospitality and friendship .[we have a large portugese comunity where i live] i often give my paintings as gifts and now have many pieces of my work in your country.i have made a number of paintings of the guitarre portugese which i find is a beutifull instrument both to listen to and to look at. i have also made a number of paintings of amalia whos voice has given me great inspiration ..with best regards ... - Jerryl / United Kingdom
AMICO MIO!!!!!!!! IL TUO AMICO NAPOLETANO TI DETICA QUESTO FILMATO X Tè E LA TUA PASSIONE!!!! http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=KiOGsnMnNqU - Castrese Scatozza / Italy
I am a new fan! Absolutely breathtaking work! - Scorpio / Israel
WOW!...im speechless, and you want to be my friend??... - Michael Haussmann / Charlotte, NC
Tes tableaux sont une bénédiction!
Tes couleurs ont une musique!
Ton talent est ton abandon!
A bientôt! - Adja Broux / FranceOscar! I feel honored! Great work you have here! - Flori / Iceland
A very impressive portfolio ! Fantastic - Phil /Australia
I bow down to your excellence!!!!!! Now, I will go have a better look. You are a tremendous artist!!!! - Julie Huntsinger / Hermosa, SD
Wow, your art is so beautiful!!! - Kassia Halteman / Woxall, PA
Dear my friend, very classic.. Thanks for your very good works... - Hea Sook Yoo /Korea (South)
Oscar! Nice to meet you...Beautiful and impressive works. - kader surmeli /Turkey
Fabulous portfolio, magnificent! I am honoured thank you. - Sew /England
Please accept my friendship...remarkable painting ability, very impressive! - Claude Bonanno / Italy
I think Oscar I see more of Raphael in your painting. He was the master of painting the Madonna, his touch was so beautiful, radiant and ethereal. I see all that in your work, a modernity and a timelessness and I see in your eyes an old soul.
keep being inspired... Besos... - Tracy Wright / SpainWOW! What beautiful works Oscar! They are breath taking. - Marianne Pfister /Saint Augustine, FL
Oscar, me enaltece tu amistad !!! - Chava Cure / Colombia
Oscar, When you come to New York look me up. And remember your hands and your soul have been blessed by the highest power greater than any means on this earth . This is something that can’t be got in any school nor from a mentor . It can take you to the place you are bound to see ! Maybe in a painting ! you ’ll notice it . good work my friend . - Al Johnson / New York, NY
Your work is so beautiful and alive! - Alaura Christine / Stanhope, NJ
Realmente gostei muito da sua obra ... desejo sucesso. Abraços - Vagner Aniceto / Brasil
Its my pleasure to read your kind words, and to visit your profile to view your beautiful and artistic works!! Thanks Oscar :-) - Hamzeh / Syria
Now I can say, the artist who made the official portrait of his holyness is a friend of mine. I am really, really glad. Actually am I complete different. But I do not come to it. Please excuse my terrible, awful english. Thanks a lot. - Stacho Stanislaus Szypura / Germany
I’m privileged to have you as a friend sir. - Ronan Mcgovern / United Kingdom
It’s an honor to have you as a friend. Stay creative my friend. - Randan Jordan / Virginia Beach, VA
Beautiful paintings and dresses...gorgeous! - Genia / United Kingdom
I looked up your website Oscar, I’m just sorry I can’t read Portuguese..I did see your murals that you painted for the Carmelite Order and they are truly divine!..I like to think of you as a modern day Michelangelo - Tracy Wright / Spain
A privilage and honour to be your friend ! all the very best yours - Edward / Germany
Bravo!!!!!! - Silvia / Italy
Grande maestro - Walter Togni / Italy
Hi Oscar! Im so glad i got to see your works! - Lee Kyung Sung / Korea (South)
Hola Oscar, realmente magnificos tus trabajos. Recibe un cordial saludo - Manu Ramos / Spain
Your art is really great! the best - Anatolia / Turkey
Wow Oscar! Your work leaves me breathless. - Susan / Canada
Beautiful your work - sumptuous - overwhelmingly rich. Many congratulations and boa suerte. - Aliaena /France
I liked your works. But when I see your picture also liked u. U r so sweet and handsome,looking good. Congratulations. Greetings from I S T A N B U L........ - Niha lgures /Turkey
Parabéns pelo teu trabalho, tal como os quadros, os vestidos também reflectem uma enorme carga mística. - João goncalves / Portugal
Pleased to discover your works. - Noureddine / Tunisia
Beautiful art works i like it very much - Montrove / United Kingdom
Your artwork is very pleasing to the eye, and beautifully rendered. Love it! - Sylvea / Portsmouth, NH
Su trabajo es exquisito, desde el diseño hasta las pinturas. Felicidades!!!!! - Ronald / Cuba
You are a magnificent artist. They paintings are breathtaking - Solvi / Iceland
No puedo evitar la tentación de enviarte un mensaje.Tu trabajo es excepcional,de una elegancia que admiro.Un saludo. - Patricia / Spain
You are very talented and skillful artist.I like religious aspect in art. - Jasna Nikolic / Great Britain
it is an honor to be your friend! your work is phenomenal! - Lynn Dobbins / Temecula, CA
I’m so impressed. Your paintings are exquisite and your dresses....my goodness, they are so beautiful! - Julie Huntsinger / Hermosa, SD
Greetings Oscar, Exquisite works in this wonderful portfolio. Very impressive! Blessings,.................Char - Charmaine Bartlett / Mansfield, OH
Hi Oscar! nice to meet you! :) my name is Debora, I’m from Italy. I’m watching your works.... very beautiful!!! - Debora / Italy
Hi Oscar, I just wanted to say that I think your work is breath-taking! I especially love your painting of Nicole, the colours and the composition are wonderful.
good luck with the murals that you are working on now! I’m sure they will be fabulous - Tracy Wright / SpainYour work is fabulous Oscar! - Tracy Behrends / Minneapolis, MN
Wonderful work. No words can do your work justice - Dora / Malta
Your paintings are incredible. Im so glad i got to see your works. I love how you paint, it is so amazing and inspiring - Iany / Van Nuys, CA
Mi gusta tus pinturas especialmente Salva Regina,-espectacular - Richart / United Kingdom
Very beautiful works - Arash Rezghibarez / Iran
Truly beautiful and inspiring paintings - ErnaKaluza/ Ashland, OR
Mais uma vez o Oscar surpreende com a sua criatividade e ousadia!Este site está simplesmente fantástico, PARABÉNS! Como não poderia deixar de ser, aqui deixo o meu testemunho de amizade e grande admiração pelo Oscar e todo o seu trabalho que sempre acompanhei bem de perto...Felicidades para uma carreira longa e próspera! - Natália P. Vieira / Portugal